Iris Foundation

Our Organization

Society at large is developing at a frenetic pace. We are constantly bombarded with information and seemingly endless demands for our attention.

The best of us are poached early into an often aggressive career path that necessitates prioritization- making us carry on as spectators in the evolution of our own society.

Today we have an ability to connect and communicate that is unparalleled. We could be at the cusp of an evolution in humanity. Instead, it seems, society is becoming more tribal, guarded, and venomous.

People are at odds and frustrated. Solutions are short sighted and reactive. We are spending energy fighting against each other, rather than working together against the problem.

We need to improve the way we think and interact with each other. To serve this purpose the Iris Foundation exists as a "Think and Do Tank."

Iris believes in First Principles reasoning and its potential to move us forward in bounds. Through this methodology, we examine and discuss a given issue or theme until the fundamental truths of the thing are revealed. Only then can we develop a solution that will have meaningful, measurable impact.

"If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem nad 5 minutes thinking about solutions." 

* = required field

Iris Foundation

The Iris Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1986, as amended or any subsequent Internal Revenue law, including the advancement of education, science, and social science by conducting labs, case studies, discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, and similar programs.


Contact Us

2502 North Clark Street
Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60614

©2016 Iris Foundation, a 503(C) charitable organizaiton.